Web implementation of the Gourmet Recipe Manager
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

1139 lines
25 KiB

package com.mousetech.gourmetj;
import java.io.Serializable;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Objects;
import java.util.Set;
import javax.annotation.PostConstruct;
import javax.faces.event.AjaxBehaviorEvent;
import javax.faces.model.DataModel;
import javax.faces.model.ListDataModel;
import javax.faces.view.ViewScoped;
import javax.inject.Inject;
import javax.inject.Named;
import javax.servlet.http.Part;
import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils;
import org.primefaces.event.FileUploadEvent;
import org.primefaces.model.UploadedFile;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.IngredientUI;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.UserSession;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.persistence.model.Category;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.persistence.model.Ingredient;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.persistence.model.Recipe;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.persistence.model.Shopcat;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.persistence.service.RecipeService;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.springweb.PictureController;
import com.mousetech.gourmetj.utils.IngredientDigester;
* Backing bean for display/edit recipe detail
* @author timh
public class RecipeDetailBean implements Serializable {
private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
/* Logger */
private static final Logger log =
// Split lines at 2 or more spaces OR at line terminators.
private static final String RE_INGSPLIT = "\\s\\s+|\\r?+\\n";
* Default Constructor.
public RecipeDetailBean() {
log.debug("Constructing RecipeDetail " + this);
* Persistency service for Recipes, Shopcats and Categories
transient RecipeService recipeService;
public void setRecipeService(RecipeService service) {
log.debug("INJECT RECIPESERVICE===" + service);
this.recipeService = service;
private String instructions = null;
UserSession userSession;
* @return the userSession
public UserSession getUserSession() {
return userSession;
* @param userSession the userSession to set
public void setUserSession(UserSession userSession) {
this.userSession = userSession;
* @param instructions the instructions to set
* @see #getInstructions()
public void setInstructions(String instructions) {
this.instructions = instructions;
* @param ingredients the ingredients to set
public void setIngredients(
DataModel<IngredientUI> ingredients) {
this.ingredients = ingredients;
// **
private String ingredientText = "";
* @return the ingredientText
public String getIngredientText() {
return ingredientText;
* @param ingredientText the ingredientText to set
public void setIngredientText(String ingredientText) {
this.ingredientText = ingredientText;
// ==================================
private Recipe recipe = new Recipe();
public Recipe getRecipe() {
if (this.recipe.getId() == null) {
Long recipeId = userSession.getLastEdit();
if (recipeId != null) {
return this.recipe;
* @param recipe the recipe to set Required by JSF 2.2, but
public void setRecipe(Recipe recipe) {
this.recipe = recipe;
public String getTitle() {
return "ATITLE";
transient DataModel<IngredientUI> ingredients;
private String category = "";
* @return the category as a comma-separated list.
* @see #stringifyCategories(Recipe)
public String getCategory() {
return category;
* @param category the category (list) to set
* @see #getCategory()
public void setCategory(String category) {
this.category = category;
private boolean dirty;
private String modifications;
* @return the dirty
public boolean isDirty() {
return dirty;
* @param dirty the dirty to set
public void setDirty(boolean dirty) {
this.dirty = dirty;
public void setDirty() {
* @return the ingredients
public DataModel<IngredientUI> getIngredients() {
if (ingredients == null) {
ingredients = new ListDataModel<>();
.setWrappedData(new ArrayList<IngredientUI>(1));
return ingredients;
* After construction and injection, we obtain the recipe ID
* passed to us, if any and load the recipe. It's also stored
* in @see UserSession for the detail editor and
* @see PictureController.
private void init() {
this.recipe = userSession.getRecipe();
* For "create new, this recipe is a blank constructed
* and passed from main page. For Detail display, it's
* null and ID come in via Flash scope. For Detail Edit,
* it's passed from detail display or "create new".
if (this.recipe == null) {
Long rid =
// (Long) JSFUtils.getFlash("recipeID");
if (rid != null) {
this.recipe = loadRecipe(rid);
} else {
// alternative (and probably dead) version of
// "new
// recipe".
this.recipe = new Recipe();
this.shop = this.getUserSession().getShoppingList()
log.info("Set recipe: " + this.recipe);
* Load recipe from database. @see RecipeDetailBean#init()
* @param recipeId ID of recipe to load
* @return loaded recipe or null, if not found.
private Recipe loadRecipe(Long recipeId) {
Recipe recipe = recipeService.findDetails(recipeId);
if (recipe == null) {
return null;
return recipe;
* Categories are a Set attached to recipe. Build a
* displayable comma-separated list of them.
* @param recipe Recipe to get categories from.
* @see #getCategory()
private void stringifyCategories(Recipe recipe) {
Set<Category> cList = recipe.getCategories();
StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(35);
boolean first = true;
for (Category cat : cList) {
if (first) {
first = false;
} else {
sb.append(", ");
this.category = sb.toString();
* Wrap a list of Ingredients in a decorative facade for
* better displayability.
* Ingredient group is actually part of Ingredient. Add dummy
* "ingredients" to make them separate lines.
* @param ingredients
* @return Wrapped list
private List<IngredientUI> buildIngredientFacade(
List<Ingredient> ingredients) {
final List<IngredientUI> list =
new ArrayList<>(ingredients.size());
String currentIngGroup = null;
for (Ingredient ing : ingredients) {
String ingGroup = ing.getInggroup();
if (ingGroup != null && ingGroup.isBlank()) {
ingGroup = null;
if (!Objects.equals(ingGroup, currentIngGroup)) {
Ingredient dummy = new Ingredient();
IngredientUI groupIng = new IngredientUI(dummy);
currentIngGroup = ingGroup;
IngredientUI ingUi = new IngredientUI(ing);
// Shopcat is an eager fetch on Ingredient
Shopcat shopCat = ing.getShopCat();
if (shopCat != null) {
return list;
* @return the instructions (cached)
public String getInstructions() {
if (instructions == null) {
instructions = formatInstructions(
return instructions;
* @return the instructions (cached)
public String getModifications() {
if (this.modifications == null) {
this.modifications = formatInstructions(
return this.modifications;
* Convert instruction plain-text to HTML form
* @param instructions
* @return
private String formatInstructions(String instructions) {
if (instructions == null) {
return "";
String s = instructions.replace("\r\n", "<p/>")
.replace("\n\n", "<p/>");
s = s.replace("\n", "<br/>");
return s;
* Action for "Add Ingredient" button
* @return null - stay on page. The Ingredient list table
* will update.
public String doAddIngredient() {
setIngredientText(""); // clear for next entry
return null;
// =====
* Handle entry of ingredient line(s) into text control on
* the input form.
* Note: In the original Tobago port of this app, the input
* was an inputText. In PrimeFaces, this did not preserve
* line separation characters, so an inputTextArea was used
* instead.
* @param event Unused
public void ajaxAddIngredient(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
// ===
* Listen to the SELECT checkboxes on Ingredients and update
* the action button statuses.
* @param event notused
public void ajaxSelectionListener(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
* Manage the ability buttons based on selections.
private void updateSelectionStatus() {
List<IngredientUI> ingList = getWrappedIngredients();
final int ingCount = ingList.size();
boolean moveUpable = true;
boolean moveDownable = true;
boolean selectable = false;
for (int i = 0; i < ingCount; i++) {
boolean selected = ingList.get(i).isSelected();
if ((i == 0) && selected) {
moveUpable = false;
if ((i == (ingCount - 1)) && selected) {
moveDownable = false;
selectable |= selected;
this.setMoveUpAble(moveUpable && selectable);
this.setMoveDownAble(moveDownable && selectable);
// ---
public void setMoveUpAble(boolean moveUpable) {
this.moveUpable = moveUpable;
public void setMoveDownAble(boolean moveDownable) {
this.moveDownable = moveDownable;
public void setSelectable(boolean selectable) {
this.selectable = selectable;
public boolean isMoveUpAble() {
return this.moveUpable;
public boolean isMoveDownAble() {
return this.moveDownable;
public boolean isSelectable() {
return this.selectable;
// ---
public void ajaxMoveUp() {
if (!isMoveUpAble()) {
JSFUtils.addErrorMessage("Cannot move up.");
final List<IngredientUI> rows = getWrappedIngredients();
final int ingSize = rows.size();
for (int i = 1; i < ingSize; i++) {
IngredientUI r = rows.get(i);
if (r.isSelected()) {
// swap with preceding row.
rows.add(i - 1, r);
private void auditRows(List<IngredientUI> rows) {
// log.info("=== AUDIT ROWS ===");
// for ( IngredientUI row : rows ) {
// log.info((row.isSelected() ? "[X]" : "[ ]" ) +" ROW="+row);
// }
// log.info("=== DONE ===");
* Move selected rows down.
* @param eventUnused
public void ajaxMoveDown() {
if (!isMoveDownAble()) {
JSFUtils.addErrorMessage("Cannot move down.");
final List<IngredientUI> rows = getWrappedIngredients();
final int ingSize = rows.size() - 1;
for (int i = ingSize; i > 0; i--) {
IngredientUI r = rows.get(i - 1);
if (r.isSelected()) {
// swap with following row.
rows.remove(i - 1);
rows.add(i, r);
public void ajaxDeleteItems() {
final List<IngredientUI> rows = getWrappedIngredients();
List<IngredientUI> selectedRows =
new ArrayList<IngredientUI>();
for (IngredientUI row : rows) {
if (row.isSelected()) {
this.dirty = true;
// Delete row from list.
// 2nd stage to avoid ConcurrentModificationException
for (IngredientUI row : selectedRows) {
// =====
EditShopcatBean editShopcatBean;
private boolean moveUpable;
private boolean moveDownable;
private boolean selectable;
* Invoked when the "E"(dit" button for Ingkey shopping
* category has been clicked.
* @param item The item whose ingredient key will have its
* shopping category edited. Resets the dialog
* backing bean internal state.
public void ajaxEditShopcat(IngredientUI item) {
* On "OK" for edit shopcat where shopcat has changed, update
* the shopcat Entity and the ingredients.
public void doUpdateShopcat() {
final String key = editShopcatBean.getIngkey();
if (StringUtils.isBlank(key)) {
return; // Do not set category if no ingKey
final String catname = editShopcatBean.getShopcatName();
Shopcat sc = this.recipeService
if (sc == null) {
sc = new Shopcat();
} else {
if (StringUtils.equals(sc.getShopcategory(),
catname)) {
return; // No change
* Because the database does not have a UNIQUE constraint
* on ingkeys, we must delete old shopcat(s) for this key
* before adding (updating) the new shopcat.
if (!StringUtils.isBlank(catname)) {
updateDisplayedShopcats(key, sc);
* When Shopcat name changes, update the Ingredients. In
* detailEdit, an AJAX "render" will then update the display.
* In recipeDetails, nothing actually shows.
private void updateDisplayedShopcats(String key,
Shopcat sc) {
List<IngredientUI> ingList =
for (IngredientUI ingUI : ingList) {
if (key.equals(ingUI.getIngkey())) {
* Bulk add for ingredients. Looks for long input and if
* found, tries to split it up and add as multiple
* ingredients.
* @param ingredientText2
* @see #addIngredient(String)
private void addIngredientList(String ingredientTextLines) {
if (ingredientTextLines.length() < 40) {
// Otherwise, try for split.
String[] lineArray =
for (String line : lineArray) {
if (line.isBlank()) {
continue; // actually should discard any above
// this
if (line.toLowerCase().contains("ingredients")) {
continue; // actually should discard any above
// this
* Add ingredient text line to recipe
* @param ingredientText
* @see #doAddIngredient(), bulk loader
* @see #addIngredientList(String)
public void addIngredient(String ingredientText) {
log.info("Ingredient line: \"" + ingredientText + "\"");
Ingredient ing =
// get ing list size, set ing position, append
List<IngredientUI> ingredients = getWrappedIngredients();
int lsize = ingredients.size();
ing.setPosition(lsize + 1);
ingredients.add(new IngredientUI(ing));
// ===
* Convenience method to get ingredientUI list without
* constant whining about unchecked casting.
* @return
private List<IngredientUI> getWrappedIngredients() {
return (List<IngredientUI>) this.getIngredients()
private boolean shop = false;
public boolean isShop() {
return shop;
* Add/remove recipe to shopping list (toggle)
public void doShop() {
shop = !shop;
List<Recipe> shoppingList =
if (shop) {
} else {
* Save the recipe.
* @return Main page if OK, re-display with error if cannot
* save ingredients.
public String doSave() {
// if ! isDirty()...
// Update recipe object based on UI:
if (!saveIngredients()) {
.addErrorMessage("Could not save Ingredients");
return null;
if (recipeService.save(this.getRecipe())) {
return "recipeDetails";
} else {
JSFUtils.addErrorMessage("Save recipe failed");
return null;
* Delete the recipe. This will cause ingredients to be
* deleted by cascade.
* @return Main page
public String doDelete() {
this.userSession.setLastEdit(null); // Don't point to me!
return "/main.jsf";
* Update ingredients and shopcat from UI model
* @return false if a category has no ingredient key to link
* it.
private boolean saveIngredients() {
if (!updateIngredientList()) {
return false;
updateRecipeCategories(recipe, category);
// Rebuild ingredients list with groups applied
return true;
private boolean updateIngredientList() {
List<IngredientUI> saveIng = getWrappedIngredients();
List<Ingredient> iList = recipe.getIngredientHash();
for (IngredientUI iui : saveIng) {
if (iui.isIngGroup()) {
// Ing group is an attribute of ingredients.
Ingredient ing = iui.getIngredient();
if (!updateShopcat(iui)) { // Obsolete???
log.info("Shopcat has not been updated" + iui);
return false;
return true;
* Apply ingredient group IDs (optional) to individual
* ingredients.
* @param wrappedIngredients The wrapped ingredient facade.
private void updateRecipeGroups(
List<IngredientUI> wrappedIngredients) {
String ingGroup = null;
for (IngredientUI ingUI : wrappedIngredients) {
if (ingUI.isIngGroup()) {
ingGroup = ingUI.getItem();
} else {
* Update shopcat for Ingredient.
* @param ing Ingredient to update
* @return true if update succeeded.
private boolean updateShopcat(IngredientUI ingUI) {
final Ingredient ing = ingUI.getIngredient();
final String ingKey = ing.getIngkey();
if ((ingKey == null) || (ingKey.isBlank())) {
return true;
Shopcat scat = recipeService
if (scat == null) {
"No Shopping Category is defined for Ingredient Key "
+ ingKey);
// return false;
return true;
* Parse out the comma-separated category text control and
* post the results as children of the recipe
* @param recipe2
* @param category2
private void updateRecipeCategories(Recipe recipe2,
String category2) {
final Set<Category> oldList = recipe2.getCategories();
List<Category> newList = new ArrayList<Category>();
String[] cats = this.category.split(",");
for (String s : cats) {
s = s.trim();
if (!s.isEmpty()) {
Category newCat = new Category();
for (Category cat : newList) {
// For existing Categories, use existing ID.
Category ocat = searchCategory(oldList, cat);
if (ocat != null) {
recipe.setCategories(new HashSet<Category>(newList));
private Category searchCategory(Set<Category> oldList,
Category cat) {
String catName = cat.getCategory();
for (Category c : oldList) {
if (catName.equals(c.getCategory())) {
return c;
return null;
* Partial input sent via AJAX when suggestion box is keyed.
* called each time a character is entered or removed,
* subject (I presume) to the minimum character limit.
* Use this to assemble the suggestion list.
private String cuisinePartial = "";
* @return the cuisinePartial
public String getCuisinePartial() {
return cuisinePartial;
public List<String> cuisineSuggestions(String query) {
if (!query.equals(cuisinePartial)) {
return getCuisineList();
* Set query for eligibility, force list to rebuild.
* @param cuisinePartial the cuisinePartial to set
public void setCuisinePartial(String cuisinePartial) {
this.cuisinePartial = cuisinePartial;
// trigger construction of new list.
this.cuisineList = null;
private List<String> masterCuisineList = null;
private List<String> cuisineList = null;
* Load the Cuisine list, which is assembled by scanning
* cuisine fields from all recipes in the database at the
* time we are called.
private List<String> loadCuisineList() {
List<String> cuisines = recipeService.findCuisines();
return cuisines;
* @return the master cuisineList
public List<String> getMasterCuisineList() {
if (this.masterCuisineList == null) {
this.masterCuisineList = loadCuisineList();
return this.masterCuisineList;
* @return the cuisineList built by matching the master list
* against the partial cuisine names.
public List<String> getCuisineList() {
if (this.cuisineList == null) {
this.cuisineList = buildCuisineList();
return this.cuisineList;
* Using the cuisinePartial, build a subset of the master
* cuisine list.
* @return
private List<String> buildCuisineList() {
List<String> list = new ArrayList<String>();
String partial = this.cuisinePartial;
// Handle cases where we aren't set up, or the partial
// input is blank.
if (partial == null) {
return list;
partial = partial.trim();
if (partial.isEmpty()) {
return list;
List<String> masterList = this.getMasterCuisineList();
for (String s : masterList) {
if (s.contains(this.cuisinePartial)) {
return list;
* @param cuisineList the cuisineList to set
public void setCuisineList(List<String> cuisineList) {
this.cuisineList = cuisineList;
// ***
// Shopcat for IngredientUI
private List<String> shopcatList;
public List<String> shopcatList(String query) {
if (shopcatList == null) {
shopcatList = recipeService.findShoppingCategories();
return shopcatList;
public void ajaxUpdateShopcat(IngredientUI item) {
log.warn("SHOPCAT2 ");
// ***
public String editDescription() {
return "detailEdit";
public String editIngredients() {
return "detailEdit";
public String editInstructions() {
return "detailEdit";
public String editNotes() {
return "detailEdit";
private void setDetailTab(int i) {
// ***
// *** Category suggestions
private String catToAdd = "";
private List<String> suggestCategory = null;
* @return the catToAdd
public String getCatToAdd() {
return catToAdd;
* @param catToAdd the catToAdd to set
public void setCatToAdd(String catToAdd) {
this.catToAdd = catToAdd;
* @return the suggestCategory List
public List<String> getSuggestCategory() {
if (suggestCategory == null) {
suggestCategory = loadCategories();
return suggestCategory;
private List<String> loadCategories() {
List<String> catList =
return catList;
* @param suggestCategory the suggestCategory to set
public void setSuggestCategory(
List<String> suggestCategory) {
this.suggestCategory = suggestCategory;
public void ajaxSuggestCategory(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
if (!this.category.isBlank()) {
this.category += ", ";
this.category += catToAdd;
catToAdd = "";
public void getAjaxSuggestCategory() {
if (!this.category.isBlank()) {
this.category += ", ";
this.category += catToAdd;
catToAdd = "";
// ***
Part imageFile = null;
* @return the imageFile set by the image upload control
public Part getImageFile() {
return imageFile;
* @param imageFile the imageFile to set
public void setImageFile(Part imageFile) {
this.imageFile = imageFile;
* Load/replace images. Computes thumbnail.
* @param event PrimeFaces file upload event object
public void ajaxUploadImage(FileUploadEvent event) {
UploadedFile foo = event.getFile();
PictureController.importImage(recipe, foo.getContents());
* Remove images from recipe
* @param event Notused
public void ajaxDeleteImage(AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
* Return marker for image. Unlike normal JSF, I don't care
* if it gets multiple times and returns different values.
* @return "random" string
public String getCurrentTime() {
long now = new java.util.Date().getTime();
return String.valueOf(now);
// *** Add Group
private String newGroupName;
* @return the newGroupName
public String getNewGroupName() {
return newGroupName;
* @param newGroupName the newGroupName to set
public void setNewGroupName(String newGroupName) {
this.newGroupName = newGroupName;
* Add new group to bottom of model as AJAX operation.
* @return null
public void doAddGroup() {
IngredientUI iui = new IngredientUI(null);
List<IngredientUI> ingUIList =
this.setNewGroupName(""); // Clear for next time!